Email Object | Language: | Server Sided ASP - JavaScript | Author: | Jon Lokken | Date: | 4-8-2005 | |
| Description: | View Example Check Example | Using the ASP CDONTS object you can send text or html emails. |
<%@ LANGUAGE="JavaScript" %> <% Response.buffer=true %> <% objMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMsg.subject = "Test Email"; objMsg.from = ""; = ""; = ""; objMsg.bcc = ""; objMsg.Importance = 2; objMsg.MailFormat = 0; objMsg.BodyFormat = 0; objMsg.body = "Test Email<br><br>Webmaster";
Disclaimer: | Feel free to use this code I have written. I only ask that you leave my name in the comments. I take no responsibility for this code working, imply no warranty as to it's validity, and will not be held liable if you decide to try it. I am only trying to help out others so they don't have to struggle with the same problems as me... | |